Write For Us On Gaming Guides And Reviews

Are you tired of playing at your screen alone, with no one to share it with? Do you have a ton of gaming opinions, tips, and tricks bursting to get out? AndroidApk Blog is here to give you a megaphone! We’re calling on all gamers, writers, and streamers to write for us and share their unique voices with the world.

As a gamer, you know the thrill of leveling up and conquering new challenges. Now, take your ideas and experiences to the next level by joining our gaming community! Whether you’re a full-time gamer or just starting out, we’ll help you write your draft, share your passion, and connect with a gaming community that speaks your language.

At AndroidApk Blog, we’re building a team of gaming enthusiasts who are passionate about sharing their expertise, insights, and creativity with the world. By writing for us, you’ll not only get to share your gaming knowledge but also be part of an exclusive club of like-minded individuals who are shaping the gaming narrative. So, what are you waiting for? Send us your ideas, and let’s get this game on!

Do you want to start but don’t know how? Well, we have covered all this for you below:

We’re grouping writers based on gaming categories and what they love. Check out and see where you fit in!

Write for us on gaming

Community Writers By Groups:

  • PC Gamers – If you love playing games on your computer, write for us!
  • Mobile Gamers – Do you play games on your phone or tablet? let’s start!
  • APK Experts – If you know a lot about APK mods and games, join us!
  • Console Gamers – The ones who play games on PS4, Xbox, or Nintendo Switch, this is your team!
  • Gaming Enthusiasts AKA All-Rounders – If you love all kinds of video games, join us and share your thoughts!
  • Game Developers and Editors – Those who create the games are warmly welcome to write for us.

Guidelines To Follow When You Write For Us:

I. Understanding Your Audience

  • Who are you writing for? (Fellow gamers, new players, experienced players).
  • What do they want to know? (Tips, tricks, reviews, walkthroughs).
  • What problems do they face? (Stuck on a level, need help with a quest).

II. Choosing a Topic

  • Pick a game you’re passionate about.
  • Select a specific aspect of the game (e.g. characters, levels, gameplay mechanics).
  • Consider what you can offer that’s unique and helpful.

III. Research and Planning

  • Gather information from credible sources (game developers, official websites, forums).
  • Take notes and organize your ideas.
  • Create an outline to structure your content.

IV. Writing Tips

  • Use a conversational tone (like you’re talking to a friend).
  • Keep your language simple and clear.
  • Break up long paragraphs into shorter ones.
  • Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to make your content easy to read.

V. Content Ideas

  • Walkthroughs and guides.
  • Tips and tricks.
  • Game reviews and ratings.
  • Character and weapon analysis.
  • Level and quest guides.
  • Gaming news and updates.
  • Personal gaming stories and experiences.
  • Gaming product reviews.

VI. Quality and Originality

  • Make sure your content is original and not copied from elsewhere.
  • Fact-check and verify information.
  • Use your own voice and perspective.
  • Add unique insights and opinions.

VII. Editing and Proofreading

  • Review your content for clarity and coherence.
  • Check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
  • Get feedback from others and be open to suggestions.

VIII. Conclusion

  • Summarize your main points.
  • Encourage readers to engage via comments and discussion.
  • Invite readers to share their own experiences and tips.

Bonus tip: you can add key takeaways in the content to give a clear idea of what your writing is all about!

Topic Ideas To Write Upon:

Topic Ideas To Write Upon:
Write for Us games
  • Accessibility and inclusivity features in gaming.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) integration in games.
  • Augmented reality (AR) experiences in esports.
  • Character and story analysis in games.
  • Cheat codes for games.
  • Community engagement in game development.
  • Conventions and expo coverage.
  • Cybersecurity threats and protection in gaming.
  • Data science applications in game development.
  • Educational and learning applications of games.
  • Esports analytics and statistics.
  • Esports and education (scholarships, programs, etc.).
  • Esports and performance psychology.
  • Esports league structures and formats.
  • Esports news and tournament coverage.
  • Esports player contracts and salaries.
  • Esports player training and coaching.
  • Esports player wellness and health.
  • Esports team branding and marketing.
  • Game audio design and sound engineering.
  • Game balancing and patch notes analysis.
  • Game design theory and principles.
  • Game development and agile methodologies.
  • Game development and cloud gaming.
  • Game development and design insights.
  • Game development and marketing strategies.
  • Game development and procedural generation.
  • Game development and publishing insights.
  • Game engine comparisons and reviews.
  • Game preservation, emulation, and archiving.
  • Game soundtracks and music analysis.
  • Game testing and quality assurance guides.
  • Game user interface (UI) design.
  • Game writing and narrative design.
  • Gameplay mechanics and strategies.
  • Game-themed art and cosplay showcase.
  • Game-themed books and comics.
  • Game-themed movies and TV shows.
  • Game-themed social media and community management.
  • Gaming accessory reviews.
  • Gaming addiction and responsible gaming guides.
  • Gaming and blockchain technology.
  • Gaming and charity streaming events.
  • Gaming and community-driven content creation.
  • Gaming and content creation tips.
  • Gaming and fitness.
  • Gaming and social issues (diversity, representation, etc.).
  • Gaming and speedrunning communities.
  • Gaming and virtual economies.
  • Gaming and voice acting.
  • Gaming events and charity initiatives.
  • Gaming memes and humor pieces.
  • Gaming news and updates.
  • Gaming peripherals and accessories.
  • Gaming setup guides.
  • Gaming-related travel and tourism.
  • Glitches and bug fixes.
  • Hardware reviews as per game requirements.
  • Hidden game secrets and Easter eggs.
  • Indie game spotlights and reviews.
  • Industry trends and analysis.
  • Influencer marketing strategies in gaming.
  • Level clearing guides and walkthroughs.
  • Mental health and gaming.
  • Mixed reality (MR) experiences in game development.
  • Mods and customization guides.
  • Monetization tips for game streamers.
  • Music crossovers in gaming.
  • New game launches and innovations.
  • Online multiplayer and co-op gaming experiences.
  • Player profiles and interviews.
  • Player psychology and behavior analysis.
  • Retro game reviews.
  • Streaming career advice.
  • Streaming software and tools for gaming.
  • Unlocking armor, weapons, and characters in games.
  • User experience (UX) design in game development.
  • Virtual reality (VR) experiences in gaming.

Some Examples To Help You:

Here are examples to help writers understand the types of content they can create for different gaming scenarios:

Example 1: Downloading a PUBG mod

  • Provide a step-by-step guide on downloading and installing the PUBG mod.
  • Include screenshots or images to visually aid the process.
  • Explain any necessary prerequisites (e.g., rooted device, specific Android version).
  • Discuss the features and benefits of the mod.
  • Offer troubleshooting tips for common issues.
  • Remind readers to download from trusted sources and be aware of potential risks.

Example 2: Building a gaming PC for GTA 5 and similar games

  • List the recommended system requirements for the game(s).
  • Suggest specific components (CPU, GPU, RAM, storage) that meet or exceed these requirements.
  • Provide a range of options at different price points to cater to various budgets.
  • Explain the importance of each component and how it affects gaming performance.
  • Include tips on building the PC, such as cable management and cooling solutions.
  • Discuss potential upgrades or future-proofing considerations.

Example 3: Clearing a level in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

  • Begin with a brief overview of the level and its objectives.
  • Break down the guide into sections based on key areas or challenges.
  • Use bold subheadings to make the guide easy to navigate.
  • Include screenshots or images to highlight important locations, items, or enemies.
  • Provide step-by-step instructions on how to progress through the level.
  • Offer tips on combat strategies, stealth approaches, or optimal skill/gear loadouts.
  • Include any secrets, collectibles, or optional objectives within the level.

Example 4: Choosing a gamepad compatible with all consoles

  • Explain the importance of having a versatile gamepad.
  • List popular consoles (e.g., PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch) and their controller requirements.
  • Recommend specific gamepads that are compatible with multiple consoles.
  • Discuss key features to look for, such as wireless connectivity, ergonomics, and customization options.
  • Provide a comparison table highlighting the pros and cons of each recommended gamepad.
  • Include user reviews or testimonials to support your recommendations.

Example 5: Defining a game character

  • Start with a brief introduction to the game and its world
  • Provide an overview of the character’s background, personality, and role in the game.
  • Describe the character’s appearance, including any distinctive features or clothing.
  • Discuss the character’s abilities, skills, or powers, and how they are used in gameplay.
  • Analyze the character’s relationships with other characters and their significance to the story.
  • Include quotes or memorable moments that define the character’s persona.
  • Use images or artwork to visually showcase the character.

Example 6: Unlocking a secret full health cheat in a game

  • Begin with a brief explanation of the game and the benefit of having full health.
  • Provide a step-by-step guide on how to unlock the cheat, including any specific requirements or conditions.
  • Use numbered lists or bullet points to make the steps easy to follow.
  • Include screenshots or videos demonstrating the process.
  • Explain any potential risks or consequences of using the cheat, such as disabling achievements or affecting game balance.
  • Discuss alternative methods for achieving full health, such as in-game items or strategies.
  • Encourage readers to use cheats responsibly and only if they are comfortable with the potential impact on their gaming experience.

Example 7: Comparing two popular battle royale games

  • Introduce the two games and their basic premises.
  • Create a table comparing key features such as game modes, maps, weapons, and vehicles.
  • Discuss the unique selling points of each game and what sets them apart.
  • Analyze the gameplay mechanics, graphics, and overall performance.
  • Compare the learning curve, skill ceiling, and competitive scenes of both games.
  • Provide your opinion on which game is better suited for different types of players.
  • Include video clips or screenshots showcasing the highlights of each game.

Example 8: Exploring the lore and world-building of a story-driven game

  • Begin with a spoiler warning for those who haven’t played the game.
  • Provide an overview of the game’s setting, timeline, and central conflict.
  • Discuss the main factions, their ideologies, and their roles in the story.
  • Analyze key characters and their arcs throughout the game.
  • Explain significant events or turning points in the narrative.
  • Explore the game’s themes, motifs, and symbolism.
  • Discuss how the game’s world-building enhances the player’s immersion and emotional investment.
  • Include fan theories or speculation about unresolved plot points.

Example 9: Optimizing game settings for better performance

  • Explain the importance of game optimization for smooth gameplay.
  • List the key settings that impact performance, such as resolution, texture quality, and shadow details.
  • Provide step-by-step instructions on how to access and modify these settings.
  • Discuss the trade-offs between visual quality and performance.
  • Recommend optimal settings for different hardware configurations (low-end, mid-range, high-end).
  • Include benchmarks or performance comparisons to demonstrate the impact of different settings.
  • Offer additional tips for improving performance, such as updating drivers or closing background applications.

Example 10: Highlighting accessibility features in gaming

  • Explain the importance of accessibility in gaming and its impact on players with disabilities.
  • Discuss various types of accessibility features, such as remappable controls, subtitles, and color-blind modes.
  • Provide examples of games that excel in accessibility and what features they offer.
  • Interview players with disabilities about their experiences and how accessibility features have improved their gaming.
  • Analyze the industry’s progress in accessibility and areas where improvements are still needed.
  • Encourage developers to prioritize accessibility in their game design and provide resources for implementation.
  • Include links to organizations or initiatives that advocate for gaming accessibility.

Example 11: Showcasing cosplay and fan art inspired by a game

  • Introduce the game and its iconic characters or settings.
  • Feature high-quality images of cosplay showcasing different characters or outfits.
  • Interview cosplayers about their creative process, challenges, and experiences.
  • Highlight unique or innovative cosplay techniques or materials used.
  • Showcase fan art in various mediums (digital, traditional, sculpture) inspired by the game.
  • Discuss the impact of the game’s art style or character design on its fan community.
  • Provide links to the featured cosplayers’ or artists’ social media or portfolios for readers to explore more of their work.

Example 12: Creating a beginner’s guide to a complex game

  • Introduce the game and its core mechanics in simple terms.
  • Break down the tutorial or early game stages into easily digestible steps.
  • Explain key concepts, such as character classes, skill trees, or inventory management.
  • Provide tips on early game progression and avoiding common pitfalls.
  • Include visuals, such as annotated screenshots or short video clips, to illustrate key points.
  • Offer advice on setting achievable goals and enjoying the learning process.
  • Encourage readers to ask questions or seek further guidance in the comments section.

Example 13: Providing a comprehensive resource list for game developers

  • Introduce the challenges and rewards of game development.
  • Curate a list of essential tools, software, and resources for various aspects of game development (e.g., game engines, asset creation, project management).
  • Provide brief descriptions and key features of each resource.
  • Include both free and paid options to cater to different budgets and needs.
  • Offer tips on choosing the right tools based on project scope and team size.
  • Share personal experiences or insights from professional game developers.
  • Encourage readers to suggest additional resources or share their own experiences in the comments.

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Our Requirements:

Do you spend hours exploring new worlds, conquering challenges, and mastering strategies? We want you to join our community! The AndroidApk Blog is constantly in search of gifted writers who can contribute to our ever-growing community of gamers, but we have some requirements:

  • We are currently accepting English writers to publish on our platform.
  • Writers can include a 2-3 sentence bio to include it in the author bio section to get proper credit for the writing!
  • The gaming guide should be clear with an actionable, “how-to” message if you are writing about gaming guides.
  • We appreciate outside sources! Content can include in-text links, videos and images if needed.
  • Don’t forget to include high-resolution images related to your post.
  • Never try to copy articles from other sites and submit them as your content.
  • We like our readers to realize that our articles are written by real living.
  • We publish only original and helpful content.
  • Make sure your article isn’t published elsewhere.

Our blog community has a focal point of presenting concrete solutions, guidelines, hints, and content focused on the gaming industry in a way that helps and empowers gamers to learn more.

How To Submit Your Draft?

Send us your draft at [email protected], If your content meets all the requirements, it will be published.

Normally, we publish the content in 1 to 3 working days, but as we need some time to review and moderate it manually, we try our best to filter as quickly as possible. Your patience is always appreciated in case of delays.


What is the word count limit?

There is no specific word count limit for each topic, as the required length can vary depending on the depth and complexity of the subject matter. However, the content should be sufficiently detailed to fully address the ideas presented in the title.

Can I embed social media posts in the content?

Yes, you can embed the social media posts if they are relevant to the topic.

Can I share content in PDF format?

You can share it via PDF format, however, we suggest it to shared via online DOCs or Word file.

What is the average TAT?

The average TAT(Turn Around Time) is 1 to 3 working days.